08 May 18:06 GMT

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Law Terminology
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Collection owner:
A Nabil Bouitieh (2915 pts)

23 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
appendix vs annex ملحق / إضافة (Arabic) A Nabil Bouitieh 
Ciminal Record صحيفة الحالة الجنائية (Arabic) A Nabil Bouitieh 
fiscal A government official who conducts criminal prosecutions on behalf of the s
Islamic Shari'a Court Patents = Law: Patents A Nabil Bouitieh 
Jointly and Severally Patents = Law: Patents A Nabil Bouitieh 
شاهد عدل Competent Witness (English) A Nabil Bouitieh 
شاهد نفي/دفاع Friendly Witness (English) A Nabil Bouitieh 
ظاهر Patents = Law: Patents A Nabil Bouitieh 
الحجز التحفظي precautionary custody/preventive custody/ also sequesteration (English) A Nabil Bouitieh 
التحقق / إكتشاف Discovery (English) A Nabil Bouitieh 
سداد الكفالة Bail Payment (English) A Nabil Bouitieh 
ساعات العمل المرنة Patents = Law: Patents A Nabil Bouitieh 
Personal Status Court Patents = Law: Patents A Nabil Bouitieh 
Portability Patents = Law: Patents A Nabil Bouitieh 
Standing Committee Patents = Law: Patents A Nabil Bouitieh 
Strata and Community Schemes Division مشاريع الأبنية السكنية والتجارية(ستراتا). (Arabic) A Nabil Bouitieh 
The 5th Amendment Patents = Law: Patents A Nabil Bouitieh 
Total past-due Support amount Patents = Law: Patents A Nabil Bouitieh 
transcript نسخة طبق الأصل. صورة (Arabic) A Nabil Bouitieh 
مصلحة تحقيق الأدلة الجنائية Department of Criminal Evidence Investigation (English) A Nabil Bouitieh 

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